I honestly don't think I have tasted a better Rice Crispy treat.

2 lbs mini marshmallows
1 Cube Margarine (I use Butter)
14 c. Rice Cereal (13.5 oz box)
2 t. pure vanilla or 4 t. imitation vanilla
Pour dry cereal into large buttered mixing bowl. Butter 9x13 cake pan or large cookie sheet (I use a jelly roll cookie sheet). In a 6 quart pan, melt margarine over medium heat, add marshmallows and fold/stir until melted. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Pour over rice cereal, fold/mix until cereal is covered. Put in cake pan or cookie sheet. Press down lightly with buttered or wet fingers.
* Use fresh marshmallows (loose in bag, check the expiration date).
* Use Kellogg's or Albertson's brand rice cereal. (I use whatever kind I have and they still turn out really good).
* Melt margarine and then add marshmallows all at once.
* Melt, don't cook marshmallows and stir/fold marshmallows while melting.
* When marshmallows are mostly melted, remove pan from stove and add vanilla---quickly stir in.
* Pour melted marshmallows over cereal and fold----- cover all cereal.
* Put cereal mixture in 9x13 cake pan or large cookie sheet---- press lightly and quickly with buttered fingers.